Monday, January 10, 2011

New Years Recap...

As I told all of you in my last post I was planning on going to a strip club with my fiance. We did make it down there and had a blast. Neither one of us had a drop to drink. We learned that we do not need alcohol to have a good time. Along with not needing alcohol we have also learned that we do not need friends to have fun either. Just him and I went. We drove close to an hour away to see some topless girls "dance". I use the quotations because what we witnessed there was barely dancing. There were only five girls working that night. One girl never took a stitch of clothing off she simply lifted her little black dress and shook her ass. I swear I never saw her face. Girl number two barely had breast but next to girl number three she looked like a D cup. Number three just had nipples! No joke my fiance had bigger ones than her. Four and five were just your average everyday women. They were obviously working to support a child or family of some sort. None of them possessed any skills you would expect a career stripper to have. Either way it was fun and gave us something to do. It is more of a comedic relief than a turn on for either of us. I will say one thing I give those girls credit for having the guts to get up there and do what they do. Some of the other patrons there were ridiculous. I would have definitely stuck my six inch heel in some of those guys asses. I guess that was a difficult task for those girls since none of them had on heels. I am pretty sure one girl wore her ugg slippers. So with all that said what do I do for my fiances 30th birthday coming up in April? How do you top that LOL!


  1. I think you've got a potential career as a freelance strip club reviewer.

  2. Maybe that is what Tommy and I will do once the kids move out. We will travel the country and visit shitty strip clubs and write about it. A girl can dream. LOL
