Wednesday, December 29, 2010

New Years Eve Plans...

Having six children I thought making plans was a ridiculous notion. I was wrong. Five of the children are staying with the "other parent" and the littlest one is going to a sitter. I do not drink and I despise going to the clubs in my local bar scene. It is always the same thing with the same people. I left the planning and ideas up to my fiance. It did not take him long before he suggested we go to a strip club. The club is about an hour away from my house. Oh yea and it features female dancers. Now I am in no way a lesbian. I am comfortable in my own skin and can appreciate beauty and if one of those girls is a bad dancer well then I can hope they can appreciate my laughing. I have invited everyone on my facebook list to join us. So far I have no takers. I doubt I will get any either. None the less we will be down there to ring in the new year with a bunch of people we have never met before. I can not wait!

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