Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Bitter Bitches make me sick

I do not even know where to begin. I have such an inner turmoil going on right now. It has to do with my fiances ex wife. She hates me for whatever reason. I think it has alot to do with the statement..."You don't know what you had until it is gone." She sent him a text message not to long ago telling him how she missed him and wished that things were the way they used to be. The message went on to say some other things about the hows and whys their relationship failed. In the end she blamed herself. Which is why it is so hard for me to understand why she acts as if I stole her man. They were divorced for at least two years when I met him. She tried numerous times to run me off with all the drama she caused. I never even considered it. I love this man with or without all this mess going on. We are perfect for each other. Maybe that is what eats her up inside. I made it work with him where she could not.
I wish the problem was as easy as that. Although it is not. Her hate for me has trickled down to the two children they have together. As much as this woman tries to convince me that she has never spoken a single bad word to her kids about me I know better. Just last weekend her six your old son spent the day with me because my fiance was working. The entire day was fine he played and had no problems. As we were heading back to the car he turns to me and says that his mom hates me. Now my first reaction was to agree but he is six and I was sure that he had no idea what he had just said. I tried to reassure him that she in fact did not hate me. Who would say such a thing I asked him. He quickly replied with..."MY MOM." I stood there stunned that this conversation was taking place. I just laughed it off but he apparently wanted to make sure that I heard him right cause he repeated it several times after that. He did good cause his point came across loud and clear his mom hates me. Now I can't say that my feelings were hurt. This woman is not worth the time of day. Yet it still bothers me that someone would poison an innocent child to hate a person who helps care for him.
The story does not end here. After a series of events yesterday this woman felt like she should contact me and reassure me that she does not have a problem with me. I proceeded to tell her all the things that her children have told me over the last year or so that I have been in their lives. Of course she denied every ounce of it and stuck to her story of she does not hate me. Her tuned changed when I struck a nerve of how she does not address the problems that her children have. Her son wets the bed still at the age of six. He was diagnosed with a medical condition and has since been put on medication to help stretch his bladder. That is not the problem, the problem is that he has told me and my fiance and several occasions that he wets the bed at his moms house every night too. When asked if he gets a shower in the morning he said no. Come on what kind of mother sends their child to school smelling like urine. When I brought this to her attention her first response was that he does not pee the bed. As we got further into the conversation of bed wetting she again changed her story and said that she does clean him up in the morning. Now if I have not lost you I am sure that you can already see the problem with her story. If he does not wet the bed then what are you cleaning up? This is just one of many examples of how she put her foot in her mouth.
The phone conversation eventually ended when I asked her about the text she sent to my fiance saying how she missed him. At first she denied that those messages even existed. Luckily I saved those messages that were time/date stamped. She had backed herself in a corner. She had spent the last twenty minutes telling me how much of a worthless person my fiance was and that she was the one that kicked him out and she hated him and blah blah blah. Now with contradicting evidence right in her face she did what every bitter bitch does. She hung up and called my fiance to tattle on me. LMAO!
The turmoil comes from the fact that I feel like sides need to be chosen. My fiance talked to his daughter today and of course her mother already told her her side of the story which I am sure amounted to..."She started it!" Classy I know. When he called to tell me that he had talked to his daughter he hinted to the fact that he took a neutral position. WHAT? I guess he told his daughter that none of it should have happened and everyone was out of line. WTF. Mind you this woman contacted me through text message first and when she felt like she was losing the battle she called me. I have never spoken more than two words to this woman. So to call me she must have had something real good to say right? WRONG! She spent most of the time on the phone telling me half truths about her past and current relationship with my fiance. She was the one name calling and screaming. I never once called her out her name. I may have sounded hoodtastic but that is what you get when you make me mad. So why was it that when he talked to his daughter he didn't stick up for me? I mean really I think I at least deserved that. Had she not contacted me none of it would have happened. Was it my fault that the truth hurt her so much? Now I feel some sort of way with the thought of having the kids up here this weekend. She told me that both her kids hate me. I know she is a compulsive liar but where do I go from here. I have four of my own kids to worry about and keep happy. I just don't know if I can do for those kids what I do for my own. My own kids show me love and appreciation. The smiles on their faces are what keeps me going. I don't get the same response from his kids. I just don't know what the next step should be. This every weekend shit just does not work. They really are only here for a day total and that day is spent hating on me mostly. I almost wish that we had moved far far away so that an extended summer vacation is all I had to deal with.


  1. Ugh- this woman sounds like a total horror! And the worst part is that you'll always have to deal with her because of the kids...
    At some point, however, the children will be able to think for themselves- hopefully they'll realize that "going to dad's house" is not such a bad thing after all!
