Friday, July 9, 2010

It can't rain all the time.

I had planned to take the kids to Whipples again today but the sky seemed to be getting darker and darker. So instead we spent the day inside. The kids peeked out of the windows all day insisting that it was not going to rain and that it was safe to go swimming. Somehow I found that hard to believe considering that the weather channel showed different. With all the extra free time we had you would think that we would pack for our over night camping trip. Think again! I just couldn't find the motivation to gather up tents, sleeping bags, and numerous outfits for four children. Thank God for my friend cause without her the process may have never started. My children waited all day for her arrival. Believe me it was not a patient process either. At least once every tweny minutes or so one of the three kids able to talk would ask where she was and how long til she got here. I swear if the baby could talk she would have got in on the rotation of repetitive questioning. She finally arrived a little after four just like she said she would. Which is good cause it renewed faith in my childrens eyes that I was not the liar they insisted I was when I said it wasn't time yet. My friend quickly got down to business and asked the kids to help her with the camping stuff. After a trip to walmart for food and dinner it was time to wind down. Try to tell that to a three year old who is overly excited to see my friend who he calls his aunt. He must have said her name a million times to get her attention so as that she could watch him run jump and dive head first into what I call my expensive living room set that I happen to be fond of. The idea of toddler spit and boogers stuck to it make me cringe and want to grab a damp cloth and a dryer sheet (it is a micro fiber couch). Although all the camping things were neatly piled in my downstairs hallway it seemed like the rain would never let up. Even if it was just for five minutes I could have packed the back of the tahoe. Needless to say I was just able to complete that task just a few minutes ago. Now it seems that the rain has stopped for how long I don't know. All I know is it needs to stay away for just a day. My kids are looking forward to this camping trip and if the rain ruins it they will never let me forget it.

1 comment:

  1. If any of the kids were to get boogers on your couch, I would definitely guess it would be Braxton. I love him...but he's boogery.
