Monday, October 10, 2011


I know that everyone comes with a past. Most of those pasts include baggage. I long for the day that we can leave it all at baggage claim. Maybe someone will come along and love it more than we ever did. Maybe if we are lucky enough that baggage will get thrown into an incinerator never to be seen or heard from again. It sounds terrible I know but there are days where that just seems like the only solution. We are stuck dealing with the decisions we made long before we should have been allowed to make any decisions.

Ex's are like the plague I swear. Although, sometimes I would rather bleed from my eyes than to actually have to interact with them. I have a happy care free life. We have no relationship issues what so ever. This is not an exaggeration by any means. We have never had a drop down blow up fight nor have either of us opted to sleep on the couch. For some reason though each of our ex's seem to constantly throw wrenches in the everyday routine. If his ex is not calling and asking for more money mine is calling to say he still has no money. In theory our ex's are perfect for each other. They both are users and manipulators. They sponge off of others until there is nothing left to be had. It is then that they turn on the hand that fed them for years. Living in their own world of delusions where THEY are center of the universe. Neither has ever done anything wrong and will most definately never admit fault in any situation. Both of them are good at playing the victim role at every turn. Since neither one actually is wealthy and have nothing to be used for they would not last long enough for any of us to get pleasure out of it. A girl can dream though right?

Just so sick of bull shit and predictability of the conversations that go on. It did not work so please please move on, grow up, and stop LYIN! You no longer have to impress the other. Focus on your own life and short comings and leave us alone. That is all.

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