Wednesday, March 9, 2011

The system is there for the worthless

I learned today that the child support system is there for the worthless. My childrens father was ordered to pay me support almost two years ago. For three kids he was only ordered to pay 213 monthly. Yep thats it grand total for three kids. That breaks down to 50 bucks a week, divided by three is somewhere around $17. I have yet to find a way to make that work and seeing as how I have never received more than a few payments I guess I may never.
Recently I found out that he was working at a tree service place making pretty decent money. They were able to attach his wages and I got a few payments which total $182. The enforcement officer at domestic relations suggested that I file for a modification of support. I was hesitant to do this. I figured why rock the boat at least he is paying me something. Which was more than he had ever done in the past. Eventually I decided to file for the modification. I mean is it really fair to my kids that he constantly goes on trips of of state and has new clothes while they sit home. He obviously had money to shop and go on vacation so why not help with the kids for once.
Today was the modification hearing. It was during this hearing that I learned that he was no longer working at the tree service place. Nor was he working anywhere else for that matter. OH yea did I mention that he did not even show up for this hearing. So there I sat trying to explain to the man behind the desk the cycle of ridiculousness that is my childrens father. He has a history of getting jobs and keeping them just long enough to make some money for himself before domestics attaches his wages. Not to mention his numerous warrants and criminal history. So because he is worthless and more than likely addicted to drugs they can not justify raising his support. Basically since he is to stupid to keep a good job they can not make him pay anymore. I was actually informed that technically he should only be ordered $105 a month since he is not working. WTF! Since when are there rewards for being worthless? So yet again he has slipped under the radar and gets to continue his life as a freeloading dead beat. My next step is to appeal it and go in front of the Judge. Hopefully that changes something. Until then I will still hunt him like a dog to try and collect the $5,600 that he owes me.