Monday, March 14, 2011

Clothing issues

Today was a hell of a day for getting dressed. I started my morning at 7:30am. I woke up my two oldest daughters for school. They get dressed in their rooms before coming out for breakfast. My eight yr old comes up first. She has on the brown jogging pants that I hate so much. She is still boycotting jeans by the way. Her shirt is two sizes to big and a hideous shade of pink. I tell her for the 85th time that I hate those pants and she just rolls her eyes and continues to the kitchen. A few minutes later my six yr old comes up. She has on a shirt that was once a shirt and is now a bordering on a sports bra. I bring to her attention the fact that I can see her stomach. This only reminds her to yank on the bottom of the shirt in an effort to stretch it back into place. No such luck. When I tell her that it is just to small for her she argues with me. After ten minutes of debating the proper fit of a shirt she decides to change it. Only this time her shirt is also two sizes to big. I am starting to think I should bag up the hand me downs til they almost fit. The girls get on the bus and I think my clothes debates are over for the day. Boy was I wrong!
When I get my baby out of bed for the day she immediately runs to the bathroom door and starts to pull at her pj's. She apparently wanted a bath. Even though she had one less than 12hrs ago. I strip her down and give her a bath. Once she is all clean and done playing I take her out. I lay her down on my bed to dress her and she proceeds to throw a fit. It took me ten minutes just to get her diaper on her. She is still wearing just a diaper as I write this. I guess she is just boycotting clothes all together.
Next I get my son dressed. Everything was going smoothly until we got to the socks. I had a pair of black ankle socks. Before I could put them on he says " NO I want white ones." At first I did not realize he was even talking about the socks. So I proceed to try and put them on his feet. Bad idea! He started yelling and screaming that he wanted white socks. I lost that battle because he has on his white socks. Maybe tomorrow will be a better day in the wardrobe department.


  1. I battle every morning with Evil and I almost never win and if I do then she just screams until we get to daycare. Sorry, hope you have an easier day tomorrow.

  2. The dressing procedures have improved greatly since then. But I am sure it will be short lived.

  3. Um, at least they know what they like? Sounds like you've got some real character on your hands! hee hee.
