Thursday, October 21, 2010


It was recently brought to my attention that google has added a STATS tab. This enables me to see things like how many times my blog has been visited and which entries have been read the most. Along with that information it shows me where those people live. I have 720 in the USA, 11 in France, 7 in Canada, 1 in Israel and 1 in Slovenia. This may sound dumb but where the hell is Slovenia? None the less I am flattered to have anyone read this. Even if I have no idea where they live. This is also shows me that some of you are not following my blog publicly. Show yourselves! LOL

I am having trouble thinking of things to write lately. Luckily I follow a few blogs that have given me inspiration. I was thinking maybe I will give the readers the option to pick a topic. If it is a good topic that I can relate to or write about without embarrassing myself and those who know me, I will post it. So this is your chance people what would you like to read about from me....


  1. In that lil box with your pic in it on your dashboard. It took me a lil bit to find it to do not feel bad
