Monday, September 12, 2011


I suppose I should fill you in on the events of Labor Day weekend! I didn't want to mention it for fear my mother would hear about my plans and ruin the surprise. To bad that didn't go as planned. She ruined the surprise anyways by showing up early to her own surprise birthday party. She turned 50 on Sept 1st. I invited all of her friends. Which really consisted mostly of my own friends. Its not my fault she doesn't have any friends! Thankfully my sister and I have birthed a small army. They were all hidden in the tree line around my house when she pulled up. Thanks to my brother calling me to tell me she was mere feet from my house. All the kids jumped out of the woods and yelled Happy Birthday as she stepped out of the car. I imagine that is what would have happened in Munchkin Land had it been Dorthys birthday that fateful day she dropped her house on my sister I mean the wicked witch of the East. Just kidding Kel you know your my favorite sister. Even with the surprise slightly ruined and less effective than I planned it was still a good day. I decorated the house with every over the hill sign sold in the county. As if that wasn't enough I made a few of my own along with name tags for everyone to wear. They always say the first thing to go is your memory. We all stayed up way past our bedtime and laughed til one of us peed our pants. I am not sure who that one person was but I would take a wild guess and say maybe my Mom. I am looking forward to her 100th birthday party. That one will most definitely involve a stripper!

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Life as I know it

I am completely settled into my new house. Minus the finished basement. We have yet to do anything in the 1100 square feet of open space. So far I have my bedroom set up in the giant expanse that is the downstairs. Its kinda nice though its like my own house away from the madness that is six kids crammed into the other 1100 square feet. We even added a puppy play mate for my other dog. Things are great and I could not imagine my life any other way.

Fall means cheer and football in this house. Something that was never possible when I worked full time. Now a days I am a full time taxi driver to my kids. Between practice and games I feel like the next two months will be spent in my vehicle. Speaking of which I may want to clean it out LOL. Living out of my car with all these kids tends to get messy. The floor of my car is layered with McDonalds Happy Meal boxes and empty water bottles. Throw on top of that cheer bags, diaper bags, and blankets. I am content with the whole thing though.

This weekend is Labor Day weekend and I am so looking forward to a whole day with my man and the kids. He works so much it is rare he ever has an entire day to spend with us. I will update you on the events of the weekend later. Can't let the cat out of the bag just yet.