Today was my sons tenth birthday. Though it was not celebrated quite like my other children. Hunter passed away from cancer in 2003. Just a few months before his third birthday. He was a special child from the day he was born. So alert and happy. He walked at eight months and could count and sing his ABC's before he was two. The diagnosis came just before his second birthday. The eight months that followed were a roller coaster of emotions. If it was not for his bald head some may have never known he was sick. Care free and happy until the end. Not to mention he loved his little sister. How many kids do you know that love their siblings? LOL
Hunter was special and my gift from God you could say. I am not a spiritual person but I do believe that all things happen for a reason. I am not still not sure the exact reason such a special little boy was given to me on this day ten years ago. But I am thankful for every minute I had with him. I feel him almost everyday. I see him in the eyes of my children. I occasionally yell out his name when calling for my children at dinner. I like to think that Hunter has a little to do with that. I had three children after his death and my oldest daughter was to young to remember him. It does not seem to matter though. They all know who Hunter is and how he passed. We aren't sad anymore. We celebrate him and talk about him often. So today on his birthday my sister, her kids, and a friend and her daughter came to my house to sing Happy Birthday. I made eight little heart shaped cakes each one with its own candle. It was nice to see all the kids blow out a candle for Hunters birthday. Happy Birthday Baby Hunter. Until we meet again...