Thursday, July 8, 2010

This may help with the early onset Ol' timers...

A few weeks ago I started a journal to help me remember the little moments in not only my life but those of my children. I was doing really well with it until it came to the point that that was just another small thing in my everyday life to forget. Recently I subscribed to follow two blogs one of which being a good friend of mine and another of some random woman I don't even know. Yet somehow the woman who I don't know I can relate to as if I was reading a book of my own life. While the other blog has entries of me and my children. So with that I figured why not write one of my own. For not only my own friends and family but for those out there that share some small thread of commonality with my everyday life.

I have given birth to five of my own children. The first I lost to cancer. Although I am not sure he knows that cause he is still around. I can feel him every where I go as do all my other children. The other four are a handful but the stress of four kids under one roof under the age of eight is lessened with the help of my boyfriend. I also have two step children every weekend. Plus three step kids from my previous relationship. Needless to say things can get pretty hectic at meal time. I wouldn't have it any other way though. I spent the last eleven years working fifty hours a week. Which caused me to miss some of the wonders of my childrens firsts. Luckily I was laid off from my job in January. At first I thought I was going to lose my mind being stuck at home with the children 24/7. As time went on and I came up with a system things got easier and more enjoyable. I love to see the smile on my kids faces every morning when I wake up and every evening before I go to sleep. This is something that I missed before. Life is about making memories. Something I was not able to do when I had a full time job. So I am determined to make this the best summer my children have had thus far. So far we have thrown some pretty fun birthday parties and picnics. Gone camping, to lakemont, and are planning a trip to the zoo. Needless to say I will be buying alot of sunscreen this summer.

Oh yea I almost forgot my 8 month old got her first two teeth today!

1 comment:

  1. Yay!! Something new for me to read everyday. And tear, i never would have guessed that you have a soft side lol. Im very excited for you tho and i know how important this is to you. So you better believe ill be your number one ya! Your favorite/only sister
