Monday, May 16, 2011

Making a house our home.

I have not posted in over a month. I swear its for good reason. We have spent every free moment searching for the perfect home to raise our family. We are sick of wasting our money on renting. Touring homes with four children in tow is no easy task. Thankfully nothing was broken along the way. We all made it out alive and with a new home. We do not move in until the end of June though. I have alot of anxiety thinking about all the things that we will need. I also have this weird delusion that all of my furniture is overly large and will not fit into our new house. Apparently this is a ridiculous delusion because no one that I have talked to has sympathized with me. At any rate I am super excited and can not wait to move in and settle in. My children are already in love with this place so I am sure once we get there and they get to explore all the trails behind the house they will love it even more. Pictures to come later.