A few days ago a baby squirrel was attacked and almost eaten by two dogs passing by. The owner was able to wrestle the it from the mouth of his dogs. He tossed the squirrel back into my yard. Apparently all of my kids and the neighborhood kids witnessed this entire ordeal. Just seconds after all the commotion of children yelling and running both to and away from the injured squirrel my fiance was pulling in from work. After piecing together this almost frantic story from a handful of children he found the squirrel and brought it into our house. I though that this was going to be as simple as calling animal rescue and waiting for them to show up and do what it is they do in this situation. However my fiance had different plans. He was going to nurse it back to health himself.
I was not quite ok with that plan but if you could see the look in his eye. He loved this squirrel probably almost as much as our children. I had to buy a small cage for it that evening. It was either that or it was going to be sleeping in a shirt pocket hung at the end of our bed. Squirrely (that is what my fiance named him) is still here with us. He has recovered from his traumatic accident but is now like one of the family. He plays with the kids and watches tv and is kind enough to eat all the food the kids drop on the floor. He even goes to work with my fiance. They are like peas and carrots. I am sure that he will someday get his animal instincts back and we will have to release him in a tree across the street. Until then he sleeps in flannel shirt pocket that I am currently wearing. He is really starting to grow on me and we will all be sad to see him go.