My three year old son has been potty trained for awhile now. It was pretty easy to do actually. I simply told him one day that we were out of diapers and that he had to start going on the potty. Granted we have had a few set backs since then. For a few nights he had to wear a pull up. That was short lived. Then there was a period of a few weeks where he would poop on the bathroom floor. I still have no idea why but I am thankful he stopped doing that.
His newest issue stems from his recent enrollment in preschool. It is policy that an adult accompany the children to the bathroom. I understand this rule more after seeing some of the children in his class. They are bad and look like they would play in the toilet and possibly carve their name on the stall door. Because of this he thinks that I should take him to the bathroom and wait with him. If he was an only child this may be possible. Unfortunately I have three other kids to attend to.
At first I would try to reason with him and explain how it was just nor possible for me to stay with him the whole time. A week went by and he became increasingly whiny about me not being there. Then out of no where he tells me he can not go by himself because Michael Jackson was in the bathroom. What?! I had to play along. So I walked him to the door and asked him to show me. He opens up the bathroom door and walks over to the toilet and points down in the bowl. Michael Jackson was inside the toilet! He insisted that I flush it before he would even go. Now I do not know where he came up with this but I find it strange and funny at the same time. I have yet to witness Michael Jackson in the bathroom or toilet but this fear has lasted a few weeks. Whats next Elvis?